Saturday, April 29, 2023



Donations are always needed and welcome.

What your money does
Your money helps me purchase non-toxic, hypo allergenic water-based face paints, brushes, sponges, wipes, paper towels, accessories and more.
Promotional Materials such as business cards, signage and fliers, ink to print pictures for look books,
Equipment such as tables, chairs, tents, mirrors, air brush equipment and body paint supplies refills and more.
Make a donation
For pay-pal donations email me the amount you would like to donate, and I will send you an invoice.

Where and how to donate.

Your donations also help me to reach more clients in more locations.
Purchase fresh make up products for face painting so that there is always updated products and refills for popular colors, tattoos and services.

Want something in return.
Use this code for a Discount: Weluvsaving$23
When hiring me. I will take off 5-10% depending on your service request.
Standard Party 5%
Optimized Parties 10%

Thank You for your Donation!

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