Saturday, April 29, 2023

Beautiful Butterflies

This coming April, I have the opportunity to dress as a butterfly and paint faces. I decided to dress in a t-shirt and tutu. My t-shirt reads "Face Painter' complete with butterfly wings and a butterfly garbed headband and antennae. My assistant will wear a black t-shirt that reads "I'm with the butterfly."

I am warming up on my butterfly designs. Lip and glitter designs.

This party is for a 5-year-old girl. The theme -Butterfly.
I am supper excited to see who and how many children show up to the party. For boys, I will mostly paint moths since that is technically a butterfly. How I plan to differentiate the designs.
I will use more linework, shimmer, glitter and detail in the girls designs. For the boys I will use muted colors, outline in monochromatic linework and draw legs on the designs.

What is the difference between a moth and a butterfly?

Moths and butterflies differ in their antennae, body shape, color, and activity time. Butterflies have thin antennae with a club at the end, slender and smooth bodies, bright and colorful wings, and are active during the day. Moths have feathery, comb-like, or Un-clubbed antennae, stout and hairy bodies, dull and less colorful wings, and are active at night.

Mastering the art of making the boys look masculine and the females looking feminine will be a challenge but will reveal itself to me as I conceptualize it and practice it.


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