Saturday, June 4, 2016

Hire Me

Hire me for your next event. 


See my face paint site: 
Kisha's Fantasy Faces

Fairies renovate my apartment....

This year has been full of blessings and great losses... But somehow were making it through.  My faith stirred but not lost.
GOD always does up even when you don't. So I have been on this great spiritual journey and found that what my paster said last week is true." What he did before, he will do again."...
My finances may be temporarily meager right now, but somehow everything we need we have. That's the grace of GOD.
I know it's him who provides all substance and sustenance. So even when I say fairies furnished my apartment. I know it is he.
"I am" continuously prosperous and blessed.
Thank you fairies...

Circus of Horrors

Circus Of Horrors Halloween 2015